Politique Internationale

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Война в Газе кристаллизует образ Израиля

Современный Израиль привлекает большое внимание аналитиков и общественности, но понять его мешают идеология, предрассудки и мифы. Зачастую к обсуждению Израиля подходят осторожно, чтобы не быть обвиненными в антисемитизме. В одной из предыдущих статей я объясняю, что отличает антисионизм от антисемитизма. Однако основная трудность в понимании Израиля состоит в привычной ассоциации этого государства в Западной Азии с евреями. […]


War on Gaza Crystalizes Israel’s Image

(240812) — GAZA, Aug. 12, 2024 (Xinhua) — People flee from the Hamad City, a neighborhood in the northwest of the southern Gaza Strip city of Khan Younis, on Aug. 11, 2024, following the latest evacuation order issued by the Israeli authorities. (Photo by Rizek Abdeljawad/Xinhua) (Image by Xinhua) Modern Israel attracts much attention from […]


Ascending the Temple Mount: An Unholy Act in a Site of Holiness

(Image by Prensa Latina)   Every year, Jews recite the entire Pentateuch aloud in synagogues. It is divided in weekly portions. Last week’s one (Vaet’hanan, Deuteronomy 3 :23 – 7 :11) contains passages that are central to Jewish liturgy, including the Shema, a declaration of loyalty to God, or more precisely, a declaration of love […]


Pese a la geografía: una ventana a Europa se convierte en una puerta a Asia

Este artículo también está disponible en: Inglés, Francés Lakhta Center at night (Imagen de Wikipedia) La conferencia de prensa de Vladimir Putin con los responsables de las agencias internacionales de noticias a principios de este mes, recibió una cobertura mediática importante. Gran parte de la atención se centró en su respuesta a una periodista británica sobre el […]


Quand une fenêtre sur l’Europe devient une porte sur l’Asie

Yakov Rabkin L’auteur est professeur émérite d’histoire à l’Université de Montréal et associé au CERIUM, Centre d’études et de recherchesinternationales.Publié le 13 juin Idées Idées La conférence de presse du président russe, Vladimir Poutine , avec les directeurs d’agences depresse mondiales célébrée au début du mois a fait l’objet d’une couverture médiatique importante. L’attention s’est […]


Antisemitizm ve Antisiyonizm Tehlikeli Bir Akıl Karışıklığı

Çeviren: Ersin Aslıtürk Orijinal Fransızca versiyonu: https://www.lapresse.ca/dialogue/opinions/2024-05-07/antisemitisme-et-antisionisme/un-amalgame-qui-mine-la-paix-sociale.php Antisemitizm sürekli manşetlere çıkıyor. İsrail Başbakanı, İsrail’in Gazze’de soykırım yaptığı yönündeki suçlamaları ve hatta ateşkes çağrısı yapan Amerikalı öğrencileri de Yahudi düşmanı olarak tanımlıyor. İsrail’in yaptığı şey aslında sinagoglara, Yahudi okullarına ve hatta bireysel olarak Yahudilere karşı antisemit eylemleri kışkırtmak. Bu nedenle antisemitizmin ne olduğunu, ne olmadığını ve antisiyonizmden nasıl […]


Antisemitism and Antizionism: A Dangerous Conflation

This post is also available in: Spanish, French Anti-Semitism is making the headlines. The Israeli Prime Minister describes as anti-Semitic the accusation that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, and even American students who are calling for a ceasefire. What Israel is doing does in fact provoke anti-Semitic acts against synagogues, Jewish schools and even individual Jews. […]


Una amalgama que socava la paz social

El antisemitismo ocupa los titulares. El primer ministro israelí califica de antisemita la acusación de que Israel está cometiendo un genocidio en Gaza, e incluso los estudiantes en varios países que piden un alto el fuego. Lo que Israel está haciendo provoca de hecho actos antisemitas dirigidos contra sinagogas y escuelas judías. Por tanto, es […]


Antisémitisme et antisionisme. Un amalgame qui mine la paix sociale

L’antisémitisme fait les manchettes des journaux. Le premier ministre israélien qualifie d’antisémite l’accusation qu’Israël réalise un génocide à Gaza, voire les étudiants partout dans le monde qui demandent le cessez-le-feu. La guerre dans la bande de Gaza provoque en effet des actes antisémites visant des synagogues et des écoles juives. Il est donc important de […]


From Kishinev to Gaza

Pogrom. This Russian term denotes a violent riot incited with the aim of massacring Jews and destroying their property. One of the deadliest pogroms (50 Jews were killed and nearly 600 wounded) took place in Kishinev a hundred and twenty years ago, in April 1903. But the trauma of Russian Zionists facing the oppression in […]


Jusqu’à quand Israël pourra-t-il défier le monde?

Cet article est aussi disponible en: Anglais (Crédit image: Bansky, Londre, Décembre 2023) La dévastation de Gaza suit un ancien scénario Suite à l’offensive de l’armée israélienne, en janvier 2024 plus de 20 000 Palestiniens de Gaza étaient déjà tués, principalement des femmes et des enfants. Trois fois plus étaient blessés. Certains experts qualifient cela de […]


How Long can Israel Defy the World?

This post is also available in: French (Image by Bansky, London december 2023) Palestinians in Gaza are being decimated. Over 20 000 have been killed, mostly women and children. Three times more have been wounded. Some experts qualify it as genocide, others as massacre. Two million people have been displaced, many more than during the entire […]


From the Siege of Leningrad to the Siege of Gaza: Colonialist Mentality

Eighty years ago, on January 27, 1944, people in the street were hugging each other and weeping with joy. They were celebrating the end of a nearly 900 days brutal siege. Soviet forces lifted the siege of Leningrad after ferocious battles. Exactly a year later they liberated Auschwitz. Even today, walking in Saint-Petersburg’s main avenue, […]


От блокады Ленинграда до бомбардировок Газы: колониализм в действии

27 января 1944 г. незнакомые люди на ленинградских улицах обнимались и плакали от радости. В этот день советские войска после ожесточённых боев положили конец длившейся почти 900 дней блокаде. Годом позже 27 января Красная армия освободила Освенцим. На одном из зданий Невского проспекта сохранена для потомков надпись: «Граждане! При артобстреле эта сторона улицы наиболее опасна». […]


On the Impasse of Political Violence

On the night of the October 7, 2023 attack in Southern Israel, I was staying overnight at my nephew’s place in Saint Petersburg, in the apartment I had grown up in, prior to emigrating from the Soviet Union over fifty years ago. The following morning, as I walked in the neighbourhood located in the very […]


Палестина и Украина: мир возможен

This article is also available in English Бранденбургские ворота и Белый дом подсвечены белым и синим – цвета флага Израиля. Недавно подсвечивали жёлтым и синим – цветами флага Украины. В обоих случаях Запад обещает неограниченную поддержку и называет атаку на Израиль, как и ранее на Украину, неспровоцированным злом. Сценарий повторяется. Но эти конфликты объединяют не […]


Palestine and Ukraine: Peace is Possible

    Эта статья доступна также по-русски. The Brandenburg Gate and the White House are laser-painted in Israeli blue-and-white colours. They used to harbour the Ukrainian blue-and-yellow colours. In both cases, Western governments pledge unlimited support and declare the recent attacks on Israel, as earlier on Ukraine, allegedly unprovoked and evil. Déjà vu. But there […]


An Ominous Context of the Nazi Debacle in Canada

(Image by Demolition of a memorial to the Soviet army in Poland.) A few days ago, I raised questions that stem from the standing ovation for Yaroslav Hunka, a Ukrainian veteran of the SS in the Canadian parliament (https://www.pressenza.com/2023/09/a-nazi-on-the-parliament-hill-is-an-antidote-to-self-righteousness/) . These questions deserve answers. Here are some of them. How is it that the background […]


Овации нацисту: излечат ли они от самоправедности?

This article is also accessible in English Триумфальный визит Зеленского в Оттаву в конце сентября омрачился одним эпизодом в парламенте. Украинский президент обратился к законодателям с благодарностью за поддержку, сказав, что Канада всегда была «на светлой стороне истории». Энтони Рота, спикер Палаты общин, пригласил на выступление Зеленского пожилого украинца Ярослава Гуньку. Депутаты, в том числе […]


A Nazi on the Parliament Hill is an Antidote to Self-Righteousness

The triumphant visit of President Zelenskyy to Ottawa in late September was marred by an episode in the Parliament of Canada. Anthony Rota, the Speaker of the House of Commons, invited Yaroslav Hunka, an elderly Ukrainian from his riding to attend Zelenskyy’s speech. He was honored during a session of Canadian parliament in which Zelenskyy […]


Pensamiento único: cincuenta años después

Este artículo también está disponible en: francès, ruso e inglés (Imagen de Yakov Rabkin) Hace cincuenta años emigré de la Unión Soviética. Mi única razón fue el deseo de libertad. Deploraba el pensamiento único mantenido por la ausencia de publicaciones extranjeras y la interferencia de emisiones de radio occidentales como la BBC o Radio Canadá […]


Unfreedom: Fifty Years Later

This post is also available in: Spanish (Image by Yakov Rabkin) Nearly fifty years ago I emigrated from the Soviet Union. My only reason for leaving all that was known to me was a deep longing for freedom of expression. I resented restrictions on foreign publications and deplored the practice of jamming foreign radio stations like […]


Единомыслие поневоле: пятьдесят лет спустя

This article is also available in English, French and Spanish. Пятьдесят лет назад я покинул Советский Союз по одной единственной причине: стремление к свободе. Мне претило единомыслие, которое поддерживалось запретом иностранных изданий и глушением западных радиостанций. Послушные, колебавшиеся вместе с линией партии СМИ, меня отталкивали и смешили. Страх перед властями (даже когда они уже были […]


La pensée unique : cinquante ans après

Cet article est également disponible en: anglais, en espagnol y en russe.   (Crédit image: MrChris89 | Pixabay) [Article actualisé le 1 juin] Il y a cinquante ans, j’ai émigré d’Union soviétique. Ma seule raison était un désir de liberté. Je déplorais la pensée unique maintenue par l’absence de publications étrangères et le brouillage des […]


La décolonisation de la Russie et ses ramifications

La guerre en Ukraine a ravivé les projets occidentaux de démembrer la Russie et, selon les termes des promoteurs de cette idée, d’achever le démantèlement de l’Union soviétique. Des efforts soutenus, ainsi que des fonds considérables, sont consacrés à susciter le nationalisme ethnique parmi les nombreux groupes ethniques de la Russie. Des réunions sont organisées […]


Decolonization of Russia and its Ramifications

The war in the Ukraine has revived Western plans of dismembering Russia and, in the words of the promoters of this idea, to complete the dismantlement of the Soviet Union. Active efforts, including ample funds, are being spent on fomenting ethnic nationalism among Russia’s many ethnic groups. Meetings are convened outside Russia in order to […]


A Deeper Understanding of the Ukraine War Could Prevent Further Bloodshed

In February 2022, began the longest military conflict in Europe’s post-World War history. But what were its main causes? Although the war in the Ukraine has inflamed emotions across the Western world like never before, the answer requires a realistic and cool-headed approach. Aristotle, admittedly neutral as far as this conflict is concerned, outlined three […]


Una comprensión más profunda de la guerra de Ucrania podría evitar más derramamientos de sangre

En febrero de 2022, comenzó el conflicto militar más largo de la historia europea posterior a la Guerra Mundial. Pero, ¿cuáles fueron sus principales causas? Aunque la guerra de Ucrania ha exaltado los ánimos en todo el mundo occidental como nunca, la respuesta requiere un enfoque realista y tranquilo. Aristóteles, ciertamente neutral en lo que […]


Historia y secuelas de la crisis de Ucrania (y II)

Preocupaciones geopolíticas más amplias en lugar de la nostalgia por la Unión Soviética, los odios étnicos o el estado mental de Putin deben considerarse al explicar los motivos de Rusia para la invasión. La preocupación más importante es la expansión gradual hacia el este de la OTAN. En tres décadas, las fuerzas de la OTAN […]


Historia y secuelas de la crisis de Ucrania (I)

La primavera finalmente llegó a Kiev cuando, en un día soleado, hace unos años, le pedí a un amigo local que me llevara al monumento a los caídos en la guerra que se extiende sobre una de las colinas que subyacen a la encantadora capital ucraniana. El majestuoso complejo fue inaugurado en 1981 por el […]


Más allá de las élites: la cuestión del empleo

En un artículo anterior, analicé el efecto de consolidación que las sanciones económicas occidentales contra Rusia han tenido en las élites del país. Por muy importantes que sean, la población está más preocupada por los asuntos cotidianos que por la geopolítica. Uno de ellos es el empleo. El desempleo bajó del 4,4% al 3,9% entre […]


Cómo capean las sanciones occidentales los consumidores rusos

Desde que regresé de mi último viaje a San Petersburgo el pasado mes de enero, los consumidores de Rusia han tenido que enfrentarse a muchos cambios. También los visitantes occidentales. El mero hecho de viajar a lo que se denomina «la capital rusa del Norte» se convirtió en una experiencia diferente. La última vez, el […]


Rusia: solidaridad más que aprobación

Desde hace cuatro meses se está produciendo en el país un profundo cambio político, económico y cultural, una revolución de arriba y hacia abajo. El abanico de opiniones expresadas públicamente se ha ampliado considerablemente en los medios de comunicación desde el ataque del 24 de febrero, cuando la mayoría de las élites políticas, intelectuales y económicas se encontraron en […]

June 2022

Peter the Great: Legacy and Celebration

Peter the Great: Celebration and Legacy Yakov M. Rabkin, Professor Emeritus of History, University of Montreal, co-author of Demodernization: A Future in the Past. My arrival in Saint-Petersburg coincided with a celebration. June 9 was the 350th anniversary of Peter the Great, the founder of this city. He changed Russia’s course of history, turning the country […]


Les sanctions occidentales renforcent le patriotisme russe

À Saint-Pétersbourg (Russie) pour quelques semaines, le professeur Yakov Rabkin nous livre dans une série de textes ses impressions à travers le témoignage de la population locale. Bonne lecture. (Saint-Pétersbourg, Russie) Un profond changement politique, économique et culturel, une vraie révolution mise en branle par le haut, se produit dans le pays depuis quatre mois. […]


The Spectre of a “China-centric World”

A spectre is haunting the United States—the spectre of a “China-centric world”. By voicing this concern President Trump pledges to “Keep America Great”. Some of the European allies echo this concern. Others remain conspicuously silent. But what exactly is this concern about? The United States has enjoyed the status of a sole superpower for three […]


Illusory Freedoms

On April 19 Google disabled the accounts of Press TV, an Iranian news service.  Google denied Press TV access to all its services, including the video streaming platform YouTube and the e-mail service Gmail.  The company’s move took place without prior notice or subsequent explanation. Iran is a founding member of the United Nations and a country that […]


Fairy Tales and Globalisation: Bringing Up the Young in the Values and Virtues of Great Civilisations

Introduction Globalisation affects children’s values, self-images and world outlook through targeted marketing of fairy tales, games and assorted media products. This article analyses these effects and proposes a number of measures to counteract them. Pro-active, grassroots approaches on the part of educators, writers, and artists should help produce specially designed storybooks, animated cartoons, and online […]


Russia on the International Checkerboard

This article is not an exhaustive analysis of Russia’s foreign policy. Rather, it is a reflection based on Russian and Western sources, without adopting mainstream positions of either. Society gives university professors time to think; presenting original views is our way of repaying our debt to society. Regurgitating mainstream ideas would betray this vocation of the intellectual. It […]


The Paris Terror Attacks: Canada Helps Avoid Pitfalls of Irrationality

The recent massacres in Paris have so far produced predictable emotional reactions. President Hollande called for national unity and intensified bombardment in Syria. Citizens lit candles and commemorated the victims. Observers continued to mull over the content of the Koran, deploring “the alienation of Muslims from Judeo-Christian civilization”. The focus has shifted to essentialism, to […]


Canada: Citizen Participation Does Not End On Election Night

“This is not my victory, this is your victory.” This sentence uttered by the elated Trudeau on the election night is not a compliment to the millions of Canadians who voted strategically to bring about change but a call for continuing engagement. Civil society’s engagement must not end in the wake of the Liberals’ victory […]


Canada’s Stephen Harper Wants to Redesign a New Collective Memory of World War II

Stephen Harper has been changing our collective self-image. He has emphasized the martial, rather than the peace-making episodes, in our history, and had a war memorial replace art and literary images on the ubiquitous 20-dollar bill. Now his government wants to leave an even more durable trace of its rule: a “monument to the victims […]


The Iran Deal: A Triumph of Irrationality

It took years of intense negotiations, travel by diplomats equal to 16 around-the-world trips and thousands of pages of position papers to solve a problem … that never existed. Intelligence services of major powers, such as the 2007 U.S. National Intelligence Estimate, repeatedly concluded that Iran was not developing a nuclear weapon. Crude attempts to […]


Siyonizmin Yerel İşbirlikçileri

Gazze’de devam eden şiddet, tiksinme ve başkaldırı duygularını tetikliyor. İsrail’in hamleleri üzerinde herhangi bir tesiri olmamasına rağmen, işgal altındaki Filistinlilerle dayanışma eylemleri tüm dünyaya yayılmış durumda. Bu eylemler, İsrail’i desteklemeye devam eden Batı hükümetlerinin hamleleri üzerinde de etkili olamıyor. İsrail’e destek, çok büyük bir demokrasi açığından mustarip. Kamuoyu anketlerine göre Batı ülkeleri vatandaşları, hükümetlerinin aksine, […]

September 2006

About the War on Terror

a talk at McGill University, September 20, 2006. President Bush cast the battle against Islamic extremism as a “struggle for civilization” that will set the course for the world in the 21st century. Harper believes that Canadians live in a “dangerous world.” In the wake of the arrests in Toronto last summer, he said that […]



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